
Arriba Volleyball League Sponsorship Opportunities
We welcome sponsors to support our various tournaments and leagues nights (Indoor and Beach)

Sponsors may:
• Contribute a Championship Prize
• Contribute the ‘Fun Competition at Lunch’ Prize
• Provide Silent Auction Items
• Provide Additional Draw Prizes for distribution once the 50/50 winner has been drawn
• Provide a Service On-Site during the tournament

Sponsoring a team prize allows more of the entry fees to be directed to the fundraiser.  If desired, sponsors may present the winning team with their T-shirts and prize, and take photos.  If not present, the sponsor’s banner or pop-up sign will be included in the photo that Arriba takes of the winners.

Tier 1 Champions                     $ 240.00         
Tier 2 Champions                     $ 120.00         
Tier 3 Champions                     $ 120.00         

This competition is designed to entertain the players during the lunch period while the scores from the morning’s games are tabulated and the teams are assigned to their playoff brackets.

Prize may be cash, gift certificate, cash card or an item of equivalent value.  Sponsor may present the winner with the prize and take photos. If not present, the sponsor’s banner or pop-up sign will be included in the photo that Arriba takes of the winner. Item may be branded.

Once the 50/50 winner is drawn, additional tickets will be drawn for any draw prizes that have been contributed. This encourages the purchase of 50/50 tickets as there will be more than one opportunity to win a prize.  Draw prizes may be of any type or value and will be labeled as coming from the sponsor. 


Restricted to the Tier Champion prize sponsors for space reasons

Provide a service or an information booth so that players can interact with you before the tournament begins, between games and during the lunch period.

  • Players will be encouraged at multiple points by the announcer to visit your booth and learn about your services, and will be advised of any special offers.
  • Please be aware that the games schedule will be set up to avoid players sitting for more than 20 minutes at a time between games, during which time they may choose to eat and rest, and there will be a distraction during the lunch period in the form of a competition that many players will watch. Interaction with the players is available but not guaranteed, so please plan your booth with maximum interest value to attract attention.

Additional Opportunities for Partnership with Arriba Volleyball League

Sponsor a League Night
Sponsor the cash prizes for the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Champions and receive advertising through the Arriba email mailing list, website and Facebook page, and your banner or pop-up displayed at league nights and events. 

The fall/winter co-ed league is composed of 12 teams of 6-8 adults, and numerous substitutes. 

Sponsor the Summer 4 on 4 league – same as above, 8 teams of 4-6 players

Sponsor the pick-up league – advertising on Arriba Web, Facebook, Emails and logo on pickup branded shirts

Be a Savings Partner
Supply a discounted product or service to our Arriba League members.

Arriba Volleyball General Contact Information:
If you would like to be a sponsor for the women’s tournament, please contact us today.

Email:  arribavb@gmail.com
Web: www.arribavolleyball.com
Facebook: @arribavb